on.radio is a free service offered by the EBU (.radio registry) to the .radio Community.
It allows registrants of .radio domains to shorten any .radio internet address to a short version easy to share and remember.
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Which one would you rather cut and paste into your browser? That's the power of our .radio URL shortener!
Step #1: Copy and paste the .radio URL (.radio internet address on web site) that you wish to shorten to replace "Your URL here".
Step #2: Fill in your email address (we need it to send you the credentials information to manage your short url(s)).
Step #3: Click on the "Shorten" button.
Step #4: Copy the tiny link created by the URL shortener by clicking on the green "Copy" button and then simply use it on social media or in your text messages as you need.
Step #1: Copy and paste the .radio URL (.radio internet address on web site) that you wish to shorten to replace "Your URL here".
Step #2: Fill in your email (we need your email to send you the credentials information to manage your short url(s)).
Step #3 (optional): You can select an alternate host for the beginning of your short url.
Step #4 (optional): You can define yourself the second part of the short url (custom url) provided that someone has not yet created it.
Step #5: Click on the "Shorten" button.
Step #6: Copy the tiny link created by the URL shortener by clicking on the green "Copy" button and then simply use it on social media or in your text messages as you need.
Our URL Shortener is free and easy to use.
It is reserved for .radio registrants and .radio domains.
Our URL Shortener is free and easy to use.
Short links improve the customer experience.
Short links can be fun to use (ex: tonight.on.radio/IwillSing).
Short links encourage sharing.
Short links can be used to track the number of visits to your content.
Short links can increase brand awareness and attract visitors to your site.
Short links can be deleted at any time after use.
If you have questions or want to know more about the .radio internet domain reserved for the radio community,
you can contact us at